Cap of Polyporus varius
C. Carollo 028 (Image keywords), semi-circular cap (Image keywords), beige cap (Image keywords), yellowish cap (Image keywords), slightly fibrous cap (Image keywords), smooth cap (Image keywords), off-center stipe (Image keywords), beige stipe (Image keywords), stipe black at the base (Image keywords), black stipe (Image keywords), whitish tubes (Image keywords), light beige tubes (Image keywords), decurrent fetile surface (Image keywords), on branch (Image keywords), Polyporaceae (Image keywords), Polyporus (Image keywords), Polyporus varius (Image keywords), mushroom (Image keywords), Fungi (Image keywords), fungus (Image keywords), Cap (Image keywords)
Cap of Polyporus varius based on C. Carollo et al. 028 from Zofnass Family Preserve, Eastern loop, Westchester County, NY.
C. C. Matos